Zillertaler specialities

“Graukas” - regional cheese specialty that is eaten “sour” with vinegar or bread.

Anyone who spends their vacation in Tyrol and doesn't try Graukas has never been there! Graukas is simply cult. Some love it and can no longer let go of it, others run away just because of the smell.

But what is behind this trendy cheese, to which countless recipes are dedicated and which is almost canonized by athletes? It all starts with skimmed milk from silage-free feeding. This is only thickened with lactic acid bacteria, i.e. without rennet. This creates a kind of low-fat curd cheese, which is seasoned and filled in molds and matures for days to several weeks. Young gray cheese tastes potty (like quark), old one is very aromatic, recognizable by its greasy consistency. On traditional farms, the fresh curd cheese is often just wrapped in jute towels, drained and matured next to the wood stove. So z. B. the main ingredient for the Brixentaler Broadakrapfen, a specialty baked in fat with a crispy shell and a melted core that flows out when you bite into it.

Wednesday, February 14th, 2024